One area – a ‘one-stop-shop’ centre of competence

Purchase and sale of companies (M&A) is an area which integrates four areas of our activity: auditing, tax, legal and management consulting.

Firstly, the valuation of companies is a classic domain of the audit department. It also includes financial due diligence of the target company.

Organisational and management questions are the subject of management consultancy this also includes the topic of synergy effects in your business transfers.

Mergers and acquisitions give rise to challenging tasks for tax consulting, which also covers tax due diligence.

Our legal advisors play a leading role in all negotiations and drafting of agreements, i.a. in the execution of legal due diligence and company purchase contracts.

Recognise the opportunities, anticipate the risks

Since we combine all four areas of activity, we are able to offer you comprehensive advice on the purchase or sale of (parts of) companies. For example, we conduct the so-called financial due diligence with a view to analysing opportunities and risks of business transfers, and thus evaluating them for our clients.

We carry out an initial rough assessment in advance in order to identify possible deal breakers at an early stage. Then, we reconcile the existing vision of the company’s development with the concepts of the potential buyer to obtain reliable information for planning, financing and valuation models.

Interested buyers typically expect to receive large amounts of confidential information about the company to be acquired. Based on our experience from other due diligences, we can estimate the amount of data required at an early stage. As a consistent  companion of the Company, we often already have the relevant information or can collect it inconspicuously and promptly in the course of our general consulting or auditing activities. Of course, we also offer our clients efficient solutions for making this data available – for example, through a professionally equipped virtual or physical data room.

GANTEFÜHRER Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater, Anwälte